I will always remember my grandma’s 83rd birthday, spent at home alone. She prepared a delicious lunch with handmade bread and desserts, but nobody from the family arrived. The melancholy in her eyes made me feel awful.
My grandmother, who I refer to as Gran-Gran, was a constant source of support and strength for my family. She looked after me and my brothers when my parents divorced. It was incredible how selfless she was. I became enraged upon witnessing her suffering and disillusionment. I vowed to teach my family a lesson they would never forget.
I called my mother first and expressed my concern for Gran-Gran’s well-being. I informed her that Gran-Gran was in the hospital after hurting herself, and we were responsible for covering the high cost of her care. My mother decided to contribute her portion of the fictitious $2,000 payment since she felt awful.
I repeated the same narrative of Gran-Gran’s hospital stay to my brother and other family members over and over again. They were all duped, and I soon made a respectable sum of money.
However, I had more in mind than just retaliating or making money. I wanted to impart to my family a valuable lesson about the value of supporting those who are most important to you.
The following morning, I treated Gran-Gran to passes to a stunning beach resort. It was a place she had always wanted to visit. We spent the following week laughing together, relaxing in the sun, and creating lifelong memories.
I shared photos from our trip on social media once we returned home. When my family discovered that I had lied to them, they were horrified. All I did was respond to their calls and texts asking why they weren’t present on Gran-Gran’s birthday.
My family never missed another event after that day. They gained valuable insight into the significance of showing others love and care and being there for them. Some people need to be reminded of what matters and brought together by tough love and creative solutions.